The Blessing of the Flat Tire
Taking our youngest child to college should have been a snap. Five hours in the car, max. Tucked in at the motel no later than
(6th edition)
Preparing for college can be such an overwhelming – yet exhilarating – time for every graduating high school senior.
David W. Martin
President and CEO of Nantucket Chamber of Commerce
Noah Bopp
Founder and Head of School, at the School for Ethics and Global Leadership
“The inside story on the college experience,” Sarah Hiner, the president of Bottom Line, Inc., a publishing company that considers itself the number-one provider of expert-sourced, expert-vetted expert advice that empowers your life.
“Since its first printing 15 years ago, “How to Survive Your Freshman Year” has become somewhere between the Bible and the safety blanket for incoming students and their parents, trying to prepare for the often overwhelming process of leaving home and entering the highly competitive, socially challenging world of college.
Unless most college guides, “How to Survive Your Freshman Year” is written by the real experts on college experience: the current and the former students.”
“You don’t have to read it start to finish. Any page you open up to has a pearl of wisdom on it by the people in the know, by the other students who have actually experienced it.”
Sarah Hiner
president of Bottom Line Inc.
Sheryl WuDunn
Pulitzer Prize-winning author who has worked in the college business and served on trustee boards at Cornell and Princeton universities.
Sana Siwolop
Journalist, content coach @StJohnsU, professor and storyteller
Taking our youngest child to college should have been a snap. Five hours in the car, max. Tucked in at the motel no later than
Join Sarah Hiner, the host of Bottom Line Advocator podcasts, & me as we discuss how to make red Solo cups work for you.
In this episode of the podcast, you’ll hear from an expert and a medley of former freshman on the complex and increasingly prevalent topic of mental health.