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ALISON LEIGH COWAN spent 27 years on staff as a reporter and editor for the New York Times before leaving for new adventures in 2015. At the paper, she published roughly 1,800 articles on everything from corn hustling to public corruption, working her way up from a lowly copygirl up through the reporting and editing ranks.
Along the way, she picked up a degree in philosophy from Princeton University and a master’s in business from Harvard Business School, both of which she remains grateful for and uses every day. These days, she does research for books and projects that interest her. C-Span recently featured her for work she’s done on behalf of two Revolutionary War heroines who deserved to be better recognized for their service. When not chasing stories or pursuing lost causes, Alison is probably working on her Scrabble game as a confirmed Scrabbaholic.
Follow her on Twitter @cowannyt or challenge her to a match @cowan82 on Facebook.
LISA ROTHSTEIN began her freshman year at Brown University at age 16, and has enjoyed reliving it while illustrating this book. Lisa had made money during college as a street performer, hard-boiled egg peeler, and nude art model, before being recruited on campus by Madison Avenue advertising agency Young & Rubicam.
Today, Lisa is an international brand strategist, speaker and cartoonist whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, bestselling books, and marketing campaigns. She has written and illustrated for Pearson Education and the N.Y.C. Department of Education. She lives in San Diego with her husband, Jim Benson, a television historian and radio talk show host, and Casey, their rescue terrier of indeterminate origin. For more, please visit www.lisarothstein.com/cartoons.
YADIN KAUFMANN graduated from Princeton University, Harvard Law School and the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Since college he’s been helping entrepreneurs start technology companies, and started two non-profit organizations. While at Princeton, he was involved in journalism and started a student agency to publish a book he wrote.
He survived his freshman year by chugging Hershey’s syrup, straight up. Yadin and his wife Lori – whom he met during her freshman year! – wrote The Boston Ice Cream Lover’s Guide.
MARK BERNSTEIN graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and later from NYU School of Law.
Since college he helped launch CNN.com, helped start the nation’s leading volunteerism not-for-profit and has still stayed friends with many friends from freshman year. While at Penn, Mark survived by starting a business that provided freshmen with “survival kits” consisting of unhealthy food purchased by parents, who were coping with the absence of their kids.